
Rachel Anders’ Story

“Our baby boy Harry James arrived 7 days overdue on June 24th 2012 weighing 7lb 11oz.

At 4am on the Sunday morning I woke to contractions starting, I ran a bath and put the golden thread breathing technique straight into action. My contractions where coming regularly but with no set pattern. Advised by the midwife we attended APH where I was examined and only 2cms dilated. Upon returning home everything slowed down and I managed to sleep for a couple of hours.

At 15:30 I woke and the pain had greatly intensified, just as we were calling the labour ward my waters broke and we where advised to go in. We arrived at hospital at 16:10 and I was 6cms dilated. The midwife filled the birthing pool which I found helped to ease the pain. At this point all breathing techniques had gone out of the window however I remembered what Ann had said and ensured my out breath was longer than my in breath. This helped to focus me again. My labour progressed very rapidly and to our surprise and the midwives I had quite an uncontrolled delivery with an established labour time of just 1hr 45mins!

Unfortunately my quick delivery was not as lucky as it had seemed and after delivering Harry on gas and air only I had to have a spinal and be taken to theatre.

The staff in Arrowe Park where fantastic and my midwife commented that she often found ladies that had attended pregnancy yoga remained as calm and focused as possible throughout labour.

Despite quite a traumatic birth, pregnancy and birth of Harry has been the most amazing journey and I am loving being his mummy. Each week I looked forward to the Tuesday evening class and hopefully I look forward to returning with baby number 2!

Thank you xx”

