The University of York (Department of Health Sciences) ran one of the largest research studies into yoga to date, funded by Arthritis Research UK. Teachers from the Iyengar Yoga Association (UK) and British Wheel of Yoga designed and ran specialist group classes in five areas of the UK for chronic back pain. The positive results were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2011. The Cost Evaluation in Spine Journal showed that this yoga would be cost-effective for the NHS.
Yoga For Healthy Lower Backs Courses are currently on hold at Yoga You Sanctuary but full detail of the research and more in depth information may be found on may wish to watch video of sample class via this link
My colleague Kate Knowles also runs YHLB courses in West Kirby Wirral – her details may be found at
YHLB Team Merseyside giving details of other courses in the region may be found on this link
YHLB offers an empowering course which teaches self- management of your health, your back and is designed to give you the tools to know what to do to help yourself if you have a painful back episode and how to look after yourself with your yoga toolkit for your whole life time.
Please do not hesitate to ask if you need more information
The Merseyside YHLB Team were invited to a Free From Pain Symposium at the Royal Liverpool Hospital on 30 March 2019.
PLEASE LISTEN – to this powerful message to his peers from orthopedic back surgeon George Ampat at the Symposium on the cost effectiveness of the YHLB course compared with largely ineffective use of steroid injections and their disproportionate £750 cost to the NHS compared to @£150 for YHLB Course!
I am so delighted with the fantastic feedback from three course members who have all done so well on the recently completed Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs course in November 2020 at Yoga You Sanctuary, especially as a chunk of the course had to be delivered online due to the pandemic .
Here’s the feedback info from Nov 2020 :-
Firstly, personally the course has been a success as my manoeuvrability has improved beyond measure. The main thing I’ve got out of the course is that a change in posture is possible more important than the yoga exercises.
For me, it was a change in the way I walk, and this has had a knock on effect as I’m rethinking my repetitive movements. For instance, I realise that my shoulder problems(which is between the bicep and the coracobrachialis(yes, I looked it up on the Internet!) is a RSI caused by driving with my hand on the steering wheel and squeezing it too tightly.
Changes in lifestyle such as time to meditate and smoother repetitive movements are harder to achieve because of a combination of hectic schedule, and habit, but I’ll work on that.
The exercise and poses I’ve cut down to 5-6 moves which I incorporate into my exercises, but I intend to revisit the course manual to broaden and vary the routines.
All in all, given that I’ve tried physio, acupuncture etc with little success, the course has been the most effective with the added bonus that it is ongoing .
Final word: I compliment you on your delivery of the course, your enthusiasm and positivity despite both your personal situation, and delivering a course in the middle of a pandemic. Well done!
2) Feedback from Sarah Barnes
My back issues began at the start of lockdown, when my job became less active and more desk based. It was difficult getting anything other than painkillers due to all the restrictions and I was struggling! Then I remembered seeing an advert for this course, checked it out and discovered that the next one was staring in a week or two! A sign? I think so! I was in such pain at the start, struggling to sit for more than a couple of minutes. The course starts gently and Ann will help you adapt all poses to your specific needs. You have to commit to doing your ‘homework’ and although this may seem a chore to start with, it’s not long before you really miss it if you don’t do it! And the results speak for themselves! I think around 5 weeks into the course, things really changed for me, my pain eased and my body rejoiced; it’s most definitely worth the small amount of daily effort!
My back issues haven’t magically disappeared, I mean Ann’s good but there’s no wands here! What I do have now however is a toolkit to manage any episodes of back pain, alongside regular routines to build my core strength and support my back from the inside out. I even feel taller, as my posture has improved. I would say if you’re considering this course, just do it, you’re body will thank you later! I’m signed up for the next stage of classes next month and can’t wait!
3) Hi Ann, some feedback for the course From Adam Rowan
Firstly you as a teacher have made me feel really at ease, the yoga studio is a beautiful space.
I’ve learnt a lot through the weeks to try and make time daily to do stretches and to change habits. I’ve felt I’ve been up and down through the course, this is due to personal things going on, and the world being upside down and not being able to go into the studio.
All in all there’s definitely a lot I’ve learnt in regards to my mindset for managing pain.