235 Liscard Road, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 5TH
Telephone: 07521768590
Click map image for directions and printable version (map courtesy of Google Maps)
There are car parks on St Albans Road and Liscard Crescent, which are usually @ 80p per hour – reductions for longer stays, plus free at Liscard Crescent on weekdays after 3pm.
On a Sunday there is unrestricted parking on all the roads around YogaYou Sanctuary.
Monday to Saturday is limited to 90 mins stay between 9am – 5pm on most of the roads around Yoga You Sanctuary.
If you can find a space there is free unrestricted parking further along Liscard Road by Central Park, or first right after the studio along Martins Lane – about 3 mins walk from the studio.
Please do not be tempted to take chances parking against the restriced areas as the traffic wardens are very keen!
From M53: M53 motorway towards Junction 1.Continue forward onto ‘unnamed road’ (if following a Sat Nav).
From A5139: Branch left, then merge onto the A5139 Kingsway Tunnel Approach.Be careful not to get in the wrong lane for the Liverpool Mersey Tunnel.
Go along Wallasey Dock Link North.
From A5088: At roundabout take the 1st exit onto the A5088 Signposted Wallasey.NB: Poulton Victoria Social Club on Corne- of Breck Road / Mill Lane.
Church on opposite corner –go straight on at lights up Mill Lane towards Liscard.
From A551: Turn left onto the A551 St Albans Road – St Albans Church on corner. (Carparks on the right hand side).Take right hand Lane – follow one way system round keeping right. Cherry Tree Shopping Centre on rightside on Wallasey Road.
Bear right to Liscard Crescent drive past carparks on left side (bus stops and shopping centre on the right). Stay in left hand lane.
Continue towards more lights at pelican crossing (HSBC is on right-hand side). Keep in left hand Lane towards Liscard Road – Signposted ‘Seacombe’.
As you bear left on to the A551 Liscard Road you will see Yoga You Sanctuary with a bright orange sign on the right-hand side of road – one block down next to Citizens advice Bureau and Mezze Restaurant.
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