I started my labour on 16th January whilst I was shopping in Birkenhead the contractions carried on through out that night starting at every twenty minutes and they eventually went down to every six minutes. During this time I was using my birthing ball, having nice warm baths and doing the breathing exercises that you had taught me. Then my contractions stopped until late on sunday afternoon. The pain was getting more stronger and the contractions were coming around every four to five minutes. I then knew it was time to get to the hospital.
When I arrived at the hospital the midwifes were really pleased with how long I had lasted at home as I was five to six centre meters dilated when we arrived. I could not use the birthing pool as someone was in there but to be honest I was coping well without the water. I had gas and air and one injection of diamorphine. At 11.15pm I was due another injection of diamorphine but did not have one as Owen was ready to come out. The midwife said that I would give birth within half an hour but two hours later I was still pushing on no pain relief. We then had to have a little help getting Owen out with forceps as his heart rate and my blood pressure were rising so we needed to get Owen out as quickly as possible. Then at 01.34 Owen was born. He is amazing.
I would like to thank you for all your help. I learnt alot of tips for example the breathing exercises and the hip opening movements which I don’t think I would have coped as well in labour without them. They really helped me I will recommend your classes to anyone I know that is pregnant.”