Hi Ann
Thought I would drop you a quick email while I remember as I have forgot to email my birthing story’s on my previous two.
So as you know after baby’s reduced movements I went in to be induced on Wednesday (26th).
I was very anxious about this as I had an induction with my last birth and felt really out of control that time and that they were rushing my labour and just wanting it over as quick as can be.
So we arrived at the hospital at 8am and when I was examined I was already 2-3 cm so just needed my waters breaking and had to wait for a bed to become available on delivery suite. After going for a walk we were called to delivery suite at 11:30 to have my waters broken.
The midwife found breaking my waters quite difficult as the babies head was so low down and thought she had done it but nothing really came out. After going for another walk I asked to be examined again at 14:30 when she finally did break my waters and there was no denying it. Me and Kenny found it hilarious the amount of water that came out and continued to come out for about 2hrs.
My contractions started pretty much straight away and I was very lucky to have a really understanding midwife who I explained about my reservations about having the hormone drip and being rushed last time wanting to take things slowly and remain in control of my labour to try and avoid an epidural if possible.
As my contractions intensified with the hormone drip I managed to breath through remaining focused and using my golden thread breath. My mother in law was at the birth and kept saying to the midwife she couldn’t believe I was in labour and just managing to breath through the contractions without pain relief. I continued like this for a number of hours with the contractions being a minute long every 3 minutes. I had some paracetamol and didn’t start using gas and air till around 11pm when I began to get tired.
I continued to use the breathing techniques you taught us using the gas and air and the midwife commented on my breathing techniques allowing me to get the full effect of the pain relief from the gas and air.
I spent nearly all of my labour stood up taking breaks occasionally on all fours on the bed leaning over the birthing ball. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to sit on the birthing ball as we kept loosing the connection on the monitor for the babies heart beat so I kept myself up right and mobile.
We continued into the night and when I was examined again at 12am I was extremely disappointed to find I had remained at 6cm and wasn’t progressing. I’m not going to lie at this point I did completely loose the plot and demanded every drug known to mankind. I was given some diamorphine and requested an epidural as I was so physically exhausted.
Eventually the anaesthetist came to give me an epidural but struggled to get it into the correct spot and whilst he was in the process I felt baby shift down and realised it was too late and baby had decided to come on her own.
So after only four pushes baby made a very rushed entrance into the world and was a little bit startled and a bit blue.We are so in love with our little Gabriella Victoria Boyd born at 01:22 on Thursday 27th Sept weighing 8lb exactly .
According to my husband we aren’t having any more children so I may just have to come to normal yoga. Thanks so much for all your help with all 3 of my pregnancies and I will ensure I recommend your classes to all my pregnant friends.
Lots of love Nikki