Hi Ann!
Naomi here from your pregnancy yoga class 🙂 (I work in ASDA Liscard if you can’t remember me as its been a while!)
I just wanted to share my story with you and how I used the yoga during labour.
Isaac Jamieson Forman arrived on the 3rd of July 2015 at 36 weeks and two days!
 After visiting my community midwife for my 36 week check on the thursday she decided to send me to arrowe park due to high blood pressure where they determined I was suffering severe pre-eclampsia (my ankles were pretty puffy) they gave me some medication and admitted me to the maternity ward to monitor me at around 10pm. After settling down with my partner for the night in hospital there was a knock on the door around midnight from the midwife who informed us they had decided to induce me there and then with a pessary which could take around 24hrs, so down to the labour ward we went.
The consultant examined me before the pessary and found I was already 3cm dialated and so no pessary needed, and the contractions followed which is where the yoga came in!!! I sat on the ball for around 3 hours having irregular contractions and used my straw breathing technique the whole time (the midwife was fascinated at how it calmed me) As things werent moving quickly enough and my blood pressure was raising they decided to introduce the hormone drip and off we went!!! The straw lasted me from midnight till around 4am with no pain relief and then I decided to accept the gas and air which I carried on using as if it was a straw all the way until Isaac was born at 7.45am with no other pain relief!
I never thought for one minute I would ask for a straw during my labour (my hospital bag wasnt ready as he was early but I definitely would pack them next time) it helped me so much by giving me something to focus on, Thankyou very much for your classes Ann I don’t know what I would have done without that straw!
Take care