
Lisa’s Story

“Sunday 13th March was a pretty normal day walking around Liverpool 1 and having lunch. After going to bed around 11 o’clock I had a few braxton hicks, followed by a lot of baby movement. I tried to sleep but little wriggler was keeping me awake! At 11.45 my waters broke with a massive gush, I just lay still took a deep breath and then turned to my husband and told him the baby was making an early appearance (3 weeks). The look on his face will stay with me forever!

After being examined at the hospitalIi was sent home and told to rest and come back Monday at 2pm for further checks. When I got home I spent most of my time on  my birthing ball, which really helped with getting the baby in the right position, and watching a film and eating crumpets! I was contracting every 20mins and was concious to relax through each one and take long deep breaths, I felt really in control. At 10am the contractions stepped up a few gears they were coming every 5 mins and were getting stronger with each one – I again relied on my breathing to get me through each one and concentrated on making my outward breath longer than my in breath (best advice as it gives you something else to think about!). I went to the bathroom around 11am and from there on things went a little crazy – I felt iIneeded to push and began to panic and knew we had to get to hospital ASAP. I used panting techniques – imagining keeping a feather up in the air, strange but it works! 

We got to the hospital at 12.00 with me fully dilated and already pushing and baby Finlay Nash arrived at 12.26 on Monday 14th March! Speedy stuff!
 Thankyou for the last few months of helping me prepare for labour through yoga, a calm head is exactly what is required during this scary and exciting time. Yoga definantly allowed me to feel in control and allowed for a brillant and natural labour.”

