
Leah Mercer’s Birth Story

Hello Ann and mums to be.

It’s Leah here from the pregnancy class. Wanted to let you know I gave birth to our baby girl Mabli (Welsh name for Mabel and loveable) Alice on the 20th January. Mabli was born at 7.38 am and weighed 6lbs 11.5oz.

I wanted to say a big thank you for the classes. I found them very helpful during the labour. They kept me calm and focused while at home and in hospital. The midwives commented how calm i remained during the labour even when things didn’t go to plan.

I went into labour at 39 weeks. While at home I found the breathing techniques you had taught us very useful. When I first went to hospital I was only 2cm, so went home and then again used the breathing techniques and tens machine and when I went back to the hospital I was 7cm.

I was able to use the pool for a large majority of my labour. I found this very helpful and was able to focus on my breathing. Unfortunately after 8 hours I was only 8cm. The midwife then burst my water and there was meconium in them, so I then had to go over to the delivery suite to be monitored. Unfortunately Mabli’s heart rate was dipping with each contraction and she became distressed. I then had to have an episiotomy and luckily Mabli was born quiet quickly after. Mabli let out a cry and she got looked over and everything was ok. I had to stay in hospital for two night for a couple of blood transfusions. But all is ok now. All totally worth it when you have your baby girl in your arms.

Thank you again Ann for all you taught us at the classes. I really believe they were very helpful during my pregnancy and labour. Lastly I want to say good luck to all the other mums to be at the class.

Love Leah xxx

