Hi Ann hope you are well! I just wanted to let you know that mine and David’s beautiful baby boy Hugo Patrick O’Connell was born on Monday 26th November at 10.47am weighing 8 pound 5 ounces. So sorry I didn’t come to the last few classes but my cardiology appointments were over in Wrexham on Tuesdays which made it difficult for me to attend. I honestly cannot thank you enough for teaching me all the breathing techniques and for the birthing class also. It was a really difficult labour, my waters went at 8pm the night before and due to my cardiac issue I had to have an epidural and drugs to ensure my heart rate was under control. The epidural didn’t work on one side so when I was pushing I concentrated on breathing particularly prolonging the out breath and the consultant was impressed when I told her it was the exercises you had taught me at yoga! The baby was rather big for me so I ended up with a ventouse delivery in the end and had to have an episiotomy. Hugo went into distress and was taken to special care baby unit where he had to have intravenous antibiotics which was very scary but thankfully after four days in hospital we were finally allowed home. I wanted the most natural birth possible but unfortunately things didn’t go exactly to plan, however I do feel that the techniques I had been taught at yoga was a huge help in keeping me calm and when in labour. We are so in love with our little boy and feel so blessed to have him here safely. Thankyou for everything and please give my love to the girls that remember me. Lots of love Kelly, David and Hugo xxx