
Katherine Russell’s Birth Story

Hi Ann. It’s Katherine (Zoe’s friend). Just letting you know I had a baby boy last Wednesday morning after a very quick 4 hour labour. We only just made it to the hospital with 20 minutes to spare, so there was no time for any pain relief! The yoga breathing was a life saver. I did the synchronised deep breathing with my husband that we’d learnt at birth partner class, and I could literally feel the pain lifting which helped to calm me down when I was in complete panic at the speed everything was progressing. After that I was mostly doing golden thread breath with contractions coming every 1-2 minutes. It was absolute agony but the yoga breathing got me through and I can’t believe I had a pain relief free birth! The midwifes couldn’t believe it either. I also read a hypnobirthing book (mindful hypnobirthing) in the 2 weeks before the baby arrived which made reference to many of the yoga techniques and helped to reinforce the breathing, the meditation and the mindset. Anyway my little boy Noel is just perfect and I feel very blessed that he’s mine. Thank you for everything and good luck to all of the lovely yoga mummy’s to be! Xx


