“I thought I’d drop you an email to let you know that Natasha Kamini Marchant was born on the 8th september, 6 days early, weighing 6′ 11oz. I had a lovely experience and used lots of techniques and ideas from your classes.
I started having contractions about 10.30pm. I used the cat techniques and the birthing ball to feel more comfortable as the baby felt quite low. I wasn’t sure I was in labour as they felt like braxton hicks contractions. At about 12 the contractions had become mildly painful and i couldn’t sleep so I knew the baby was on its way. I went back on the ball and was moving in a figure of 8 and using the straw breathing technique. The baby was moving like crazy.
At 1am I phoned my mum to look after my other little girl and we got to the hospital about 2am. The contractions were very strong and I didn’t have access to a ball so I relied upon some of the breathing exercises (i can’t remember the name). The midwife came in at 2.15am and i felt the urge to push shortly afterwards. The baby was born at 2.27am.
I felt overwhelmed by the speed but kept thinking about your advice on staying calm and opting to react in a positive way. This ideology also came in handy the following day as Natasha was rushed back into hospital as she stopped breathing. For 8 hrs we were in A&E and I used the same techniques to stay calm and awake. Thankfully Natasha is happy and healthy now.
Thank you for providing the pregnancy yoga sessions, i genuinely feel they helped. Please send my best to the other girls.”