
Joanne Farey’s Birth Story

Hi Ann

It’s Joanne from Tuesday Pregnancy Yoga.

I am pleased to report that 8lb baby Ray was born on Saturday afternoon 16th April and I am so pleased with how it all went.

Firstly, I would like to thank you for all the breathing techniques you taught in our yoga sessions.  Without them I am sure my experience would have been less comfortable.

My contractions started in the early hours of Friday morning and throughout I made sure that my out breath was double the amount of in breath and I focussed on counting.  This technique was better than any pain relief I had afterwards.  The Midwives were impressed that I had such good control of my breathing and I couldn’t believe it myself!  Practice really does make perfect!

We are overjoyed with our new arrival.  Good luck to all the lovely mums to be.  I’m so glad I learnt what I did at Pregnancy Yoga.


Jo xx

