
Jess Nixon’s Birth Story

Jess Nixon – Birth of India Grace Nixon -birth weight was 7lbs 13oz. 

Hi Ann, sorry it’s late but here is my birth story: First of all I just want to say how much I enjoyed the class each week and it’s so nice to have a place to go relax with people in the same position. I had planned for my homebirth and things were going well, contractions started Thursday afternoon and gradually got more intense through the night. The next day the midwife came out and she went away but came back later. She said I was in active labour so to start filling our pool. Unfortunately my blood pressure, which had been perfect throughout pregnancy, went up whilst at home and I had to be transferred (I never even got to go in the pool that my husband spent so long filling). Fortunately by the time I got to hospital it had dropped and didn’t increase again. My contractions had not been increasing at home and I was nearly moved to the ward as they weren’t close enough but as soon as I arrived at hospital they started coming faster so they decided to break my waters. From there on the labour moved very quickly although it did end up in needing a ventouse as although baby had started labour in a perfect position (clearly the birth ball had helped), she moved back to back. The birth was not what I had planned however the only pain relief I had was gas & air and I put this down to all the breathing techniques and visualisations I had practiced both in yoga and on my own using hypnobirthing techniques. You really can’t control what happens during labour but I do believe that you can manage whatever the situation better using the techniques from your class x

