
Jenny’s Story

“Just thought I’d let you know how Benjamin arrived as I used to enjoy listening to the accounts other people sent. You will be pleased to know that I didn’t have to be induced in the end as I went into labour on Friday morning, April Fools Day!

Had contractions throughout the day that were completely bearable, so we pottered around the house and went for a couple of walks to pass the time. My waters broke at 8pm and after phoning the hospital we were asked to go in at about 9pm for an examination. Once there they decided that they would keep me in to monitor me as I was due to be induced the following day anyway. I was sent upstairs to the maternity ward where Dave and I played some cards and listened to the radio.

Contractions were still bearable and I found the breathing techniques from class really helpful as they gave me something to focus on. I found the Golden Thread breath very calming and used this for most of my labour. I also used the counting breaths technique to make sure that I was breathing out for as long as possible. Being able to focus my breathing helped reduce the intensity of my contractions as well. I went for a shower but whilst in there my contractions went from bearable to very painful in the blink of an eye. Dave called the midwife and I asked for some pain relief. The nice lady offered me some paracetemol! When I told her that I didn’t think paracetemol would be much use she examined me to discover I was 9 1/2cm dilated and ready to push! I needed to go downstairs to the delivery suite but didn’t think I could walk. So I was very embarrassingly wheeled downstairs on my hands and knees on my bed with poor Dave trotting alongside looking a bit bewildered! I had my eyes firmly shut during the journey but can only imagine what a sight I must have been!

The delivery suite had just enough time to fill the birthing pool for me to get in. I cannot recommend the birthing pool highly enough. The hot water really did help with the pain and being able to kneel up and move around was lovely. I began pushing only for the miwife to examine me and find out that Benjamin was completely back to back. My contractions had unfortunately slowed down and I had to get out of the pool. Up until that point I really didn’t think that labour had been that bad. After that things went a bit downhill. I had to be put on a drip to increase my contractions and the baby’s heart rate was dipping a bit too much. The doctor decided that Benjamin needed a forceps delivery and I was banned from the gas and air!!! This was to help me concentrate.

So, Ben was finally born at 9.50am on Saturday 2nd April, a full 2 weeks late and weighing 8lb exactly. He’s absolutely gorgeous and has inherited his Daddy’s red hair. Being a mum is lovely, and I’m loving going for walk with the pram! The end of my labour wasn’t great but the breathing techniques you taught me meant that I had no pain relief other than gas and air for the whole thing which i’m really proud of! Thank you so much for the classes, I really enjoyed them and they were a great way to unwind from the stresses of the day and the kids at school! Please wish the rest of your ladies a safe pregnancy and as speedy and pain free a labour as possible. Hope to see you soon.”

