
Jenna Whitfield’s Birth Story

Hi Ann, hope you are well. Just wanted to let you know I’ve had the baby.. Logan William born on 14/9/18 weighing 8lb14.
My labour started at home on the Wednesday evening as mild cramp / period type pain which got progressively more intensive during the night. When it became painful I used breathing exercises you teach, taking long inhales through the nose and longer exhales out through the mouth. I felt focusing on my breathing rather than the pain made it bare able. At 2pm I arrived at the hospital and as the contractions became even more intense and frequent I remained focused on the deep breaths. This allowed me, not only to not need pain relief at this stage, but also remain calm and focused.
Later in the labour I did require pain relief, but I put that down to it being a long 2 night labour and me being exhausted.
Overall I was pleasantly surprised how well the breathing exercises helped me to deal with the pain and remain calm throughout.
I want to thank you for your pregnancy classes as it was a nice place to shut off from the outside world. I will continue to use techniques you taught us and have already taught my boyfriend some of the techniques for every day life.
Good luck to all the ladies. Now I have a beautiful baby boy who is taking up all my time and love 💙 x

