
Jeanette Warren’s Story

“This email is long overdue but finally have got round to it!!!
I attended your class at Rock Ferry Children’s Centre during the Summer of 2010 and gave birth to our beautiful little girl Ella on the 31st July, two weeks overdue!
I was induced on the Friday morning and by 1:30pm I was having strong back to back contractions which unfortunately carried on throughout the night.
I used the breathing techniques you had taught us in class and also my husband Ian, used the techniques you had taught him when we  had the private session.

By 6:00am the following morning I had failed to progress and by this point was exhausted but feel your techniques had allowed me to get through the night without completely loosing control and had also kept Ian focused as he knew how he could do some things to ease my pain and distress.

 I was eventually moved down to the delivery suite and put on the drip and ended up having a epidural as the pain at this point had become too much. Ella had also decided to turn back to back, despite me not lying on the bed once all night!!!
 Things however failed to progress again and by about 8:00pm that evening I was taken to theatre and Ella was delivered by forceps at 8:52pm weighing a very healthy 8lb 2oz.

As you have probably guessed things didn’t really go that well for us but what I would like to say is that I truly believe without the techniques you taught Ian and I, we wouldn’t of coped as well as we did.
Big thanks!

