
Hannah Newson’s Birth Story

Hi Ann- I meant to let you know in time for tonight but time is a funny concept at the moment! Our little lady baby was born in the early hours of Saturday morning at home in the pool- just one day early! I went into labour at 5:30,  and my contractions were every 2 minutes almost immediately- i got through a lot of them kneeling over my ball doing golden thread breath. I got in the pool at 11ish, by which point my breathing was a little more ‘bumble bee’! I only needed to use gas and air for the final hour, and she was born calmly at 1:30- an amazing experience. (Had to pop to hospital afterwards as tear was quite bad but we were home in time for breakfast!) My midwifes notes comment at how relaxed I was and using breathing techniques throughout, so thank you, your classes definitely helped me have just the birth I had hoped for.


