
Claire Hough’s Story

“I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that Baby Olivia Hough was born on Monday 19th January at 19.16pm weighing in at 8lbs 8oz. Not quite the 10lb baby everyone had told me I would be having but still a big baby – although she looks tiny to me.

I was four days overdue when labour finally started at 3am on the 19th Jan. I woke up with terrible backache and period pain. I had been having these pains since December so did not think anything of it. I continued the day as normal and had a lovely soak in the bath. By lunchtime I had noticed that the pain was getting worse but I was not having contractions so I just thought the baby was being a bit of a pain. By this point I was permanently on my birthing ball or on all fours with my husband rubbing my back. I concentrated on my breathing techniques and found the ‘bumble bee’ breathing technique really good – although I must have looked and sounded very strange.

By 2pm, I still did not think I was in labour due to the lack of contractions but telephoned the labour ward for their opinion. They said I should call to the hospital when I was ready and they would check me over although the liklihood was that I was not in labour.

At 3.30pm I begrudginly got off my birthing ball and set off for Arrowe Park. I explained that I had not had contractions but had backache and the pain was getting stronger. They told me that I was actually having really strong contractions and they could not believe I could not feel them. I was already 4cm dialated and they took me to the Midwifery led unit. I got into the birthing pool just after 5pm and using only gas and air and my breathing techniques I gave birth to Olivia just two hours later.

I really believe that the yoga helped my delivery. Send my love to all of the girls still waiting to meet their babies.”

