
Lynsey Wilcox’s Birth Story

Hi Ann, it’s Lynsey Wilcox, sorry it’s taken a while to get back to you. I went into hospital at 10pm on Tues 24th Oct after 3 hours of slow contractions at home. I got to the hospital and I was checked over, all the while straw breathing, which was needed! I had unfortunately, in the husbands panic of getting to the hospital, left my ball at home in the hallway! At the hospital, they eventually had to break my waters and for the next 4 hours I was just having contractions. No movement and no change in dialation, it took another 4 hours of pushing (!) yet still nothing. My pain was coming more from the insertion of a cathater and not the contractions as the baby’s neck was bending backwards. My bladder was full and was stopping her head coming out. Eventually at 08:34, without pushing, Holly Grace came out so quickly that the midwife had to catch her at the bottom of the bed, weighing 8lbs 1oz. I did find out afterwards that there was a ball in my room, hidden in the shower, if only I’d have asked! To be honest, I found it more difficult than my first labour and it was longer too, I’ve had less painful days but it was entirely worth it…I’m definately done with two now though! Thanks for the class, it did help keep me calm for as long as I could. I would highly recommend to anyone. Thanks Lynsey Wilcox x

