
Amanda Bestwick’s Story

“Just emailing to let you know that I will no longer be coming to pregnancy yoga on Tuesday’s because I have had my baby – 6 days early! Aiden Eric Bestwick was born on Saturday 15th September at 14:12 weighing 6lb11. I had to let you know as soon as I have found chance because it was unbelievable how much yoga helped me through the birth.

My waters broke on Thursday at 11pm and contractions began soon after. I coped through the pain using straw breathing. Contractions continued through the night and then all day friday but by the early hours of Saturday morning they had virtually stopped. As my waters had been broken for over 24 hours and I was not in established labour, I had to go to hospital to be induced.

I arrived at hospital on Saturday at 8am completely exhausted from the previous 2 sleepless nights. I was 3cm dilated so I was put on a drip at 10:30 and then the contractions came really quick and really full on. It was so intense that I almost lost it. I continued to use straw breathing to help control my breathing and it really helped me to stay calm during the contractions. I asked for an epidural as the pain was so intense so fast that I thought I could not endure it for a long amount if time, however my labour was actually progressing really fast and after an hour of being on the drip I was dilated to 6cm. The epidural could not be given for an hour so I tried a few puffs of gas and air but didn’t like how it made me feel so I threw the mouth piece away and asked for my straw back! As much as it hurt I just tried to focus on my breathing which helped me not to resist the pain but to welcome the pain and know that each contraction was taking me further
to the end. By the time the anaesthetist came it was too late – I was already pushing. I pushed for an hour and then my baby was born. From what started as a really slow labour actually ended up being really quick once that drip was hooked up to me.

I gave birth in just over 3 and a half hours with only paracetamol and a straw for pain relief! I can hardly believe it. If it was not for the breathing and relaxation learnt at yoga I would almost
certainly not have coped with the pain and I truly believe that not having drugs gave me the focus and incentive to really concentrate on getting the baby born quickly.

I cannot thank you enough Anne for the techniques you have taught me as I could not have wished for a better labour. Please send my best wishes to all the girls at yoga and wish them luck in their labours. Many, many thanks.”

